Saturday, November 15, 2014

Appreciate Pastors

"Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Heb 13:7-8

Most people who work, work hard. Nurses, house-cleaning staff, college executives, doctors, school teachers, mechanics, ranchers, counselors – you know . . . everyone. It is right and good as Christ followers to encourage and appreciate the incredible daily efforts, expertise, acts of service (paid and unpaid) that make up the necessary fabric of our daily lives. We need each other, and it’s always good to say, “thanks!”

Pastors work hard, too. Pastors merit our kind “thanks” as well.  October is America’s “Clergy Appreciation Month” (the 2nd Sunday being “Clergy Appreciation Day”).  Jesus did not institute this special observance. It was first birthed in 1992 by layman Jerry Frear, Jr. in an effort to show support to his church’s clergy team. Hallmark caught on by 2002 offering the first card selections dedicated to the observance. Focus on the Family has done some of the best work in promoting practical ways to show appreciation to your pastor – check out

Superintendent Mark is tweeting out specific ways you can support your pastor during Pastor Appreciation Month – follow along @supncc.

We believe the best way, ultimately, to bring a smile to your pastor’s face, and in particular to Christ, the Great Shepherd, would be to put Hebrews 13:7 into practice. “Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”  Stun the clergy with daily Bible reading and prayer, leading to Christ-infused actions like compassion and action on behalf of the poor and hurting, extending patient love to your spouse and children, showing remarkable integrity at work. A congregation of eager disciples of Jesus Christ, actively participating in acts of service to one another and the world beyond is every pastor’s deepest desire.