Too many American Christians don’t know much
at all about what they claim to believe. There is nothing weak or ineffectual
about the Christian Faith. Yet many of us who have placed our faith in Jesus while
embracing a rather lazy approach to maturity fail to learn (and hence to live
out) the implications of the Faith. By the “Faith” Christians for millennia
have meant the body of doctrine and knowledge that lies at the heart of what
Christians say they believe.
Free Methodists are a holistic connection of
believers. We embrace the need for purity of heart and the rigors of the intellect.
We embrace the call to a personal faith in Jesus which saves our very
souls and a commitment to public
justice and social holiness which saves our very communities. We embrace
spiritual experiences and scientific
research, tradition and innovation, orthodox
creeds and their fresh expressions, charismatic
gifts and biblical obedience, freedom
of conscience and voluntary cohesion
through discipline that provides order.
Let’s TEACH our children. PREACH with clarity
without “dumbing down’ the gospel. COUNSEL Biblically even as it challenges
notions of amassing personal material wealth or engaging in any sexual choice. Let’s
go back to school!
Know your stuff! Know your doctrines. Send your kids to Sunday
School. If you’re an adult, TEACH Sunday School (you will more doing this than
by merely attending). Study Scripture and theology in your small groups. Let’s
commit to read something besides Facebook and the ESPN scrollbar.