Thursday, July 12, 2012


Ivan Timm announced his retirement at AC2012. Rev. Timm, who has served many distinguished years as a pastor in both the NCC and Pacific Northwest Conferences, will retire with his wife Donna to Washington State.  His last day of active service as Administrator for the NCC was June 30, 2012.  The Timm’s new address will be Warm Beach Senior Community, 20505 Marine Drive, Lot #48, Stanwood, WA 98292. Ivan’s email is

Alma Jasinksi and Ivan Timm at AC2012
We are pleased to announce that Alma Linda Jasinski has been appointed to serve as the new NCC Administrator.  She assumes her role effective Monday, July 9, 2012. Alma has most recently served as the Senior Pastor of the Wesley FMC in Waukegan, IL and also as church planter and pastor of the Aurora Free Methodist Church.  She has provided significant administrative oversight of the International Bible Institute, is an NCC coach and has served as a Lake County (IL) Court Translator.  Alma recently married Michael Jasinski of Zion, Illinois and the Jaskinski family will move into the Administrator’s residence and offices the second week of July, 2012. 

All NCC office contact information remains the same.  The NCC offices will be closed from July 1 – July 9 during this time of transition.   Supt. Adams is on a brief family vacation July 5-10. Please be patient with NCC calls, correspondence, emails, etc., during the first half of July. 

We are also introducing new web and mobile app products.  

The world is going mobile.  So must we!  The current NCC web site – – has provided a central source of information for NCC churches and beyond.  One of the first acts of Superintendent Adams upon election in 2008 was to create a single place to download critical forms, resource for growth and development, enter statistical information, stay connected with news, register for events and even vote on important items.  Increasingly, users are seeking to access the web site using mobile phones, and the current site is not designed for this. Indeed, being flash based, much of it cannot be seen on an iphone or ipad . . . yet.

The new web site launches on July 15 when you logon to you will note some significant changes.  The site will be cleaner, directly connected to social networking and mobile friendly across all platforms.  By August, we will announce our NCC mobile app for Android and Apple products.  Keep your eyes peeled and thumbs ready.

Sunday, July 1, 2012



Annual Conference 2012 marked the 153rd time that the members of the North Central Conference gathered to ‘confer’ together. Free Methodists are a “connectional” people, believing that we accomplish more together. Indeed, a lot was accomplished at AC2012. 

Bishop David Kendall lit hearts on fire through the Holy Spirit as he preached. The core theme presented over several messages throughout the two days of AC2012 is the call to refocus on Jesus Christ, and his mission. That mission (Luke 4:14ff): Preach the gospel to the poor.  “Holiness without a gospel to the poor does not reflect Jesus.”  Further, Bishop Kendall suggested that God the Father, who adopted us into his household by grace through faith, desired more adoptees.  However, God will entrust adoptees only to qualified families.  Each church must examine its heart and practices, and seek diligently and obediently, to be Christlike and the kind of people that God would entrust to influence new spiritual children.

Elections were held at AC2012. Dr. Mark Adams was re-elected with 92% of the votes to serve as Superintendent a second four year term. Jim Berlin (Richland Center, WI), Craig Nelson (Waukegan, IL) and Suzanne Goff (Wilmette, IL) were elected to serve with Bishop Kendall and Superintendent Adams on the Ministerial Appointments Committee.  Elected as “at-large” members to the NCC Board of Administration are Patrick Coakley (Evanston, IL), James Johnson (Motley, MN), Brian Johnson