Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Manhattan Declaration

Dear Co-Laborers in the Lord's Vineyard,

Some time ago I signed the Manhattan Declaration and have been a supporter through prayer and finance of the efforts which arise from this framework to proclaim and advocate for biblical values regarding the family.   Political debates which often surround such issues as same-sex unions and abortion can be reactionary sound bites that are designed to elevate fear and rally around particular political causes and the Jesus way of advocating for pro-life and strong families must permeate the fabric of the church (which it often does not) before church can speak to the world (which it often does with weakened credibility).  

However, the Manhattan Declaration provides a means to commit to these issues that is, I believe, consistent with biblical values, the Free Methodist discipline, and provides some helpful tools that can make a difference.  Beginning with prayer and clarity of understanding.  

For that reason, I recommend people join the Manhattan Declaration team's call to prayer and ACTion.  Discover this at

It is not a directive from the superintendent that every pastor or church must agree with every tenant of the declaration, or drop everything and start praying and fasting for the family.  In fact, I pray that God will lead you to firmly commit to those particular biblical causes that the Spirit has laid on your heart and your church which is leading to life-giving, transformative power in your community and world (eradicating hunger, neo-abolotion, missionary expansion, planting and growing healthy congregations, combating addictions, etc.) and to graciously love and support those who are passionate about different aspects of how God is moving to redeem the world.  

But if family matters, the work surrounding the Manhattan Declaration seems solid to me.